Registered address |
Clifton House 75 Fort Street P.O. Box 1350 Grand Cayman KY1-1108 Cayman Islands |
Headquarter in the PRC |
No. 3 Kongtai Road South Torch Development Zone Zhongshan Guangdong province PRC |
Principal place of business in Hong Kong |
Unit 10B,15F Cable TV Tower 9 Hoi Sing Road Tsuen Wan New Territories Hong Kong |
Company website | (The information contained on the website of our Company does not form part of this prospectus) |
Company secretary |
Queenie Ho
Authorised representatives |
Queenie Ho
Members of the audit committee |
Mr. Ng Kwun Wan (Chairman) Mr. Wong Kam Wah Mr. Zhou Dai Han |
Members of the remuneration committee |
Mr. Wong Kam Wah (Chairman) Mr. Lai Zhi Tian Ms. Mou Li Mr. Ng Kwun Wan Mr. Zhou Dai Han |
Members of the nomination committee |
Mr. Wong Kam Wah (Chairman) Mr. Lai Zhi Tian Ms. Mou Li Mr. Ng Kwun Wan Mr. Zhou Dai Han |
Compliance Advisor |
CMB Internatioal Capital Limited |
Hong Kong branch share registrar and transfer office |
Tricor Investor Services Limited Level 22, Hopewell Centre 183 Queen’s Road East Wan Chai Hong Kong |
Cayman Islands principal share registrar and transfer office |
Appleby Trust (Cayman) Ltd. Clifton House 75 Fort Street P.O. Box 1350 Grand Cayman KY1-1108 Cayman Islands |
Principal banks |
China Construction Bank Corporation Torch Development Zone Branch 1/F, Investment Mansion No. 12 Huizhan Road East Torch Development Zone Zhongshan Guangdong province PRC Zhongshan Rural Commercial Bank Company LimitedTorch Development Zone Branch No. 2 Kangxiang Road
Torch Development Zone Zhongshan Guangdong province PRC
Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. Hong Kong Branch 20 Pedder Street Central Hong Kong